Saturday, August 13, 2011

6 days down

I have completed my first 6 days of work yesterday and feeling more comfortable and confident every day. I am taking initiative and not always looking for help. I am feeling very good about Peritoneal Dialysis and working with ventilators. Hard to believe how much you can learn in six days...I have to believe its because of the great dynamics between my preceptor and I. My preceptor is above and beyond one of the greatest nurses I have ever worked with. Shed is such an inspiration to the kind of nurse I dream to be. Next week she is going to have me take on two patients for my own...I feel like even though she only gives me one patient, I pretty much give out all the medications and do all the work on the other patients....she just documents their assessments. There are times where I wonder how one nurse can do everything that needs to be done, but it must be possible or everyone would be there much longer than necessary! I know it's going to come with time and I have a lot of time to get there!!!! It doesnt hurt that she told me that I am doing great and jump into everything with both feet and head on!

I have the weekend off, however, Eric is at work today and the weather does not look like it's going to good for either laying out at the pool or going out to photograph. I wanted to go to the Price William County Fair tonight and take photos, but its supposed to rain :(  I'm not sure where to go this morning, so I probably wont go anywhere. LOL. Maybe I'll find myself at the gym today. A place I havent really gotten to as much as I would like to!!! My feet always hurt, so I have an appt. with a foot doctor next week. I am hoping to get some orthotics. I knwo they will be expensive, not to mention the $300.00 deductible I need to meet for the appt's, but I need to do what I need to do to take care of my feet. It's too important. It's an investment in the eyeglasses will just have to wait another month or two!!! I really hoped to get new glasses first thing, but my feet are more important as my glasses still work....3 years later!

I guess that's it for now....Nothing all too exciting.

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