Saturday, September 10, 2011

phew! It's been a while!

Wow! It's been a while since I've been on here! Man, how times flies! Lets see what's happened since Aug 22nd.....

1. We booked a restaurant on Bermuda called Lido Complex, on Elbow Beach. This will be our "reception" site. While it's not so much a banquet hall, it is a nice private room that can fit up to 40, so our 24 people will fit comfortably! Its got a gorgeous view of the ocean from the room and will have some great food, from what I've read in reviews. We're not having a DJ, but we will be setting up an iPod play list and playing that either on a dock that we bring, or something we rent. More details to follow :)

2. I bought a new laptop, and photoshop!!! So, finally, when I take pictures, i'll have a program for editing (it doesnt really do HDR, so that purchase will come later...this will be good for editing and digital scrapbooking). I am also super excited b/c, while it is not a MacBook, which is what I wanted for soooooo long, it is an upgraded Dell XPS and will be very fast, at 8 GB  memory, 750 GB at 7200 RPM hard drive, 290 GHz. I should be getting it around the end of September!!! I just about broke the bank making this purchase, but with what I have now, I can't do a whole lot with my photography and that's supposed to be my hobby!

3. I bought Eric an iPhone for his birthday :)

4. I got new glasses yesterday! Another HUGE purchase for me, to add ontop of my huge computer purchase. I have spent my entire next pay check! I spent like 3 hrs deciding on what I wanted. I am so picky! I almost bought the exact same frame that I have been wearing for 3 years just b/c I hate change....but in the end, the sales man at Sterling optical convinced my otherwise and I left my comfort zone a bit. Not as much as he was pushing me, but some :) The have the rimless frame on the bottom and a metallic plum color on the top and sides.

Lastly, Beverly and I are meeting up today at Tyson's to go shopping for a dress for her to wear to the wedding. Since my other two bridesmaids have opted not to go on the cruise, it's just going to be Beverly. I told her that she doesnt have to wear anything specific since she is not having to match anyone. I just want her to be in navy blue and be comfortable!! Im excited to see her. It's been a little while!!

Well, tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and I'll be a solemn day. I pray nothing crazy happens in our country.

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