Friday, February 4, 2011

Believing in Miracles

I can't say that I ever believed in miracles until my niece got sick. I always thought that was something that people do when they dont know what else to do. Maybe I just needed something to happen in my life for me to believe that somethings happen and there are no real explanations as to why. Kevin & Lisa were told in August that Amber needed to go on hospice and only had weeks left to live. Six months later, her MRI showed that her tumors are the smallest they have ever been!!!! There is no explanation for this miracle, except God wants her to stay on this earth with us a little bit longer. She reminds us all everyday how much we have to be thankful for and to never give up hope. What a trooper she is. She's getting fitted for hearing aids and started back in PT. They will give her braces or a walker or whatever she needs to try to get her mobile again. My mom said that she is signing about 30 words as of now too! God is good!!!!!

A picture of the cutie pie (with a snotty nose and her pillow pet!)

Thanks for reading <3

1 comment:

  1. My love and prayers to you and your amazing family!!
    Love, Michelle
