Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time flies!

I had not realized that it has been almost 10 days since I last written! Time has been flying! I have been so busy with school and precepting that I forgot to write! I am finally done with my precepting, which is a relief. I feel like all I do after working a night shift is sleep. I cant tell you how many hours I have slept since Friday...I can't seem to get enough! LOL.

This week is going to be good b/c the only school-related thing I have is my med/surg clinical Tuesday. I have big plans to do a lot of NCLEX questions, review Maternity material, clinical paperwork, finish my portfolio and I babysit tomorrow. I guess I should also include reading up for my last unit of school!!!! ah, the work never ends!! 30 days!!! I can't believe it!!! I got my scrub dress for the pinning and found a cute pair of white flats yesterday at Payless. We're sooooooo close to the end. OMG!

I'm also very happy to have my gym membership in Stafford. I have been getting there quite often and starting to see a difference in  the tone of my body. I havent lost any pounds, but I can tell a difference none-the-less.

In terms of wedding stuff, I booked my photographer!! She lives down in Buena Vista, which is close to Natural Bridge. She is familiar with the area and is pretty good! Her price is excellent and she's sweet as a gem. I am excited about this! I can't recall if I wrote about it or not, but I got myself a cute outfit for when we get engagement photos!! I am so excited that we're going to get them after all. I LOVE PHOTOS! I always wished I had the talent to be a photographer. One day, I'm going to buy myself a nice camera....hopefully before we have babies!! we'll see....there is plenty else I need in the mean time....including a JOB!!!

30 days out from graduating and no job prospects....MWH has not posted anything for RNA positions and I dont think they  plan to. I applied to Culpeper, but they are only hiring 5 positions and they probably have over 300, i wont hold my breath for them either.  I just need to stay positive and hope that something works out....because something will at some time. I just dont think it's going to be in the ER, which is what I want.....

well, for now, thats all I have to write. 13 months from getting married!! I can't wait to start blogging about the plans that we will start making in the coming year!!

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